Weihnachtsgrüße in Englisch

Jesus Christ lives in the sky,
we, His people, here on Earth,
and the years go slowly by
while we celebrate His birth.
Christmas trees and angels‘ singing
and a world painted in white,
presents that are joy us bringing
in this holy winter night.
Jesus lives up in the sky,
helds over us His warming hand,
makes pain and sorrows all go by
He is the one, who understands.
Snow is falling, angels calling,
joy on earth is all around,
happy faces, snow with traces,
hear the bells ring a sweet sound.
Peaceful living and forgiving
rule the holy days,
hoping that at least the mankind’s
hate will melt away.
We should carry all that Merry
Christmas through the years,
now or never, just for ever
wash away all tears.
Heaven could be here on earth,
behaving just like Jesus taught,
not only yearly to His birth,
that is not the way He thought.
Christmas should be every day,
with those feelings in our hearts,
too short is the time to stay,
so why should we fall apart.
Heaven could be here on earth,
if we loved in time each other
blood is not the only way,
that makes someone to your brother.
On earthes‘ garden grew a flower,
God sent His son, long time from here
as sign of ever lasting power,
to wash away all sin and fear.
He teached us well and showed the way,
loved all His enemies as well,
he promised heaven’s homes to stay,
to be with Him saves us from hell.
He taught us patiently and wise
that there is just one single way
to leave one day up to the skies,
which will be blue and never grey.
Two thousand years ago from now,
God’s son came to the earth,
nobody knows exactely how,
a secret stays His birth.
When He was born, the times were wild,
but shelter from the storm
ensured Maria for her child,
she kept it safe and warm.
So let us celebrate the birth,
when God released His son,
there is no day like this on earth
it’s Christmas, let’s have fun.
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
in the wide world, my friends,
hoping you enjoy the presents
and your songs don’t end.
I wish you a peaceful Christmas,
no matter where you are,
hoping that the day I’ll meet you
is not very far.